Speech Therapy Services in Lagos

I offer a range of formal and informal assessments:
– Expressive and receptive language assessment.
– Articulation assessment.
– Fluency assessment.
– Written Language assessment.
– ADOS®-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule™, Second Edition)
Speech Sessions (in-person or online)
My speech sessions are play-based, providing your child with a fun and engaging environment that caters to their interests and objectives.
I believe that play is a crucial aspect of a child’s development. It is through play that children learn to explore and make sense of the world around them, develop social skills, and acquire knowledge and language.
By using play-based approaches, I can keep your child motivated and engaged while targeting specific speech and language goals. My therapy sessions are designed to be enjoyable and stimulating, allowing your child to learn and achieve their goals while having fun.
Individual speech sessions are either 30 or 45 minutes, depending on the child’s need, and they can be in-person or online.
Parental Guidance (in-person or online)
As a parent, you play a significant role in your child’s communication development. Through parental guidance, we work together to identify your child’s unique communication needs and teach you how to incorporate evidence-based techniques into your daily routines and interactions with your child.
By coaching you on how to use these strategies effectively, you’ll be able to work on the generalization of newly learned skills to a variety of settings and contexts, leading to more significant and long-lasting gains.
Parental Guidance are 30 minutes sessions, and they can be in-person or online.
Financial Policy:
Evaluations Tariffs:
Articulation evaluation, including report: $80.00 USD
Expressive and receptive language evaluation, including report: $150.00 USD
Written language evaluation, including report: $150.00 USD
Combined expressive and receptive language with articulation evaluation, including report: $200.00 USD
Combined expressive and receptive language with written language evaluation, including report: $250.00 USD
ADOS-2 assessment, including report: $250.00 USD
Sessions Tariffs:
- Rate of Speech-Language Therapy 30 minutes individual sessions: 40.00 USD
- Rate of Speech-Language Therapy 45 minutes individual sessions: 50.00 USD
- Rate of Parental Guidance 30 minutes sessions: 40.00 USD
- Rate of Parental Guidance 45 minutes sessions: 50.00 USD
Means of Payment:
- Payment can be settled in either NGN or USD and can be made in cash, via bank transfer, or by online payment (debit/credit card).
- Upon receipt of payment, the Speech and Language Therapist will provide a receipt within a few days for the services rendered.
- Please note that parents are responsible for submitting all claims and receipts to their insurance company if they wish to seek reimbursement for speech therapy services.
Notification of Legal and Privacy Policies
Privacy Policy
- Speech therapy services are provided by Wissam Chidiak, Speech and Language Therapist, either at his office located at 14 Akin Adesola Street, VI, Lagos, or online via Zoom.
- All client information will be kept confidential, securely stored in a location inaccessible to the public. Only the Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) and the parents will have direct access to the information without requiring written approval.
- Evaluation reports, progress reports, therapy goals, and therapy plans will be communicated exclusively to the parents.
- Evaluation reports, progress reports, therapy goals, and therapy plans may be provided to outside sources, such as doctors or insurance providers, only upon written request by the parents.
- To ensure your child’s safety during therapy, a CCTV is installed in the therapy room. However, the video footage is only retained for a limited period and securely stored away from public view.
- Each child will be allowed a maximum of two consecutive cancellations. Beyond that, a new appointment must be booked, as the child’s session will be removed from the schedule.
- If your child becomes sick or if an emergency arises, please contact the SLT immediately. We understand that unexpected situations can occur and will accommodate accordingly.
- If we are unable to keep a therapy appointment for any reason, we will notify you as soon as possible. We will then work together to arrange a suitable time for either an in-person or online make-up appointment.
- We can conduct an initial evaluation at the parents’ request. Alternatively, parents can provide their child’s previous private practice evaluation report to obtain an updated assessment of the child’s abilities. If the evaluation report is outdated, an updated evaluation is necessary to establish goals and provide therapy.
- Speech-Language therapy services will be provided based on goals that are mutually agreed upon by both parties, with the aim of best serving your individual child. These goals can be established through one or more of the following means: administered evaluations/reports, outside evaluations/reports, observations, and parent requests.
- Therapy sessions will have a duration of either 45 or 30 minutes. The timing of the sessions will depend on the specific needs of the child and the targeted objectives.