Letters Game

deck thumbnail

by MyChild

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: ela,ot,speech,specialed

Grades: 2,3,4,5,6

Description: This is a word building game to work on spelling and literacy skills using a fun and interactive deck! The main target is to place a word (for each turn) on the board using any number of letters from the side deck. All words placed must be two or more letters long. Words are played either vertically or horizontally (No Diagonal words). Each player must play off of words already present on the board. Whether it's by changing existing words (ex: turning the word "rope" into "ropes") or by using a letter of an already written work as part of the word being placed (ex: use the letter "i" from the vertical word "Starfish" to write the horizontal "kiwi"). When two or more letters touch, they must form a word that is available in the dictionary. After each placed word, the value of each letter (on the bottom right) is added to get the score of the word. In case the player added a letter to an already placed word to form another word, both words are counted. (ex: when the "s" is added to "rope" to write "starfish", the total of both "ropes" and "startfish" are added to the player's score, and the common letter, the "s" in this case, is counted twice.) When all the letters are placed on the board, the player who has the highest score, is the winner. The beauty of Boom Cards is that you can assign decks to your children so they can use them at home to train… But most of the decks are exhaustive and include multiple targets that are not part of what you want your child to do.